Zazzle was adopted February 1, 2023!
Zazzle razzle-dazzled himself right into a drop trap at the tail end of April 2022 and, not long afterward, found himself unceremoniously admitted to Devore Shelter in San Bernardino, California. But you know what? It might have been the best thing for this ruggedly handsome orange tabby because, not long after his arrival, shelter staff discovered he’d developed an abscess on his cheek and were able to attend to his injury. By mid-May, our team swooped in to rescue him and whisk him off to a better life.

Now Zazzle, whom shelter staff estimated to be around five years old when admitted into their care, is healed, neutered, and living a pampered life as an indoor kitty where life is easy and treats are plentiful. Neither dominant nor submissive, Zazzle eases into the midlands of any kitty hierarchy. He’s a friend and personal groomer to all – humans and kitties alike. He enjoys head rubs, body scratches, and your lap if it happens to be open and available. But, be careful what you leave on your countertops. Zazzle is a world-class jumper and happily sproings into action when his curiosity is piqued.

If you’re looking for a happy-go-lucky, amiable orange tabby dude to hang out with, look no further than Zazzle! Fill out an adoption application for him today!