Soma was adopted Monday, January 6, 2025! Meet Soma! This adorable young lady arrived at Big Bear Shelter in mid-October 2023, along with a considerable clowder of other cats abandoned on a property in the San Bernardino mountains. A woman had been caring for them, but circumstances unknown, she left them to fend for themselves. Worried they'd not fare well with the onset of … [Read more...]
Noki – Adult Female- Adopted!
Her name is Noki. But it might as well be gnocchi. Because this little girl is a bit of a potato. Princess Potato if you will. A kitten head on the solid body of a potato. One of only two surviving kittens in a litter of eight, Noki was bottle fed for the first three months of her life. She finally transitioned to wet kitten food and has never looked back! Well, except … [Read more...]