Kip was adopted with buddy, Monday, on June 25, 2023! Cute little tuxie boy Kip is a bundle of high energy, playfulness, and wonder. Turned over to the shelter as an orphan, he missed receiving a loving human touch as a kitten and can be somewhat shy with people. Born in August of 2022, Kip is still young and needs someone willing to give him extra love and attention to … [Read more...]
Corvus – Adopted!
Corvus was adopted May 20, 2023! Did you know Corvus is the species name of the intelligent, magnificent black birds known as ravens and crows? Even at an estimated two years old at the time of his rescue, our Corvus (of species Felis catus) is no exception in the intelligence department! We sensed this about him when we headed into Devore Shelter in December 2022 to rescue … [Read more...]
Reyn – Adopted!
Reyn was adopted Sunday, April 23, 2023! Hello! My name is Reyn, and I am just the sweetest, happiest little girl you will ever meet! At the time of my rescue from Devore Shelter in February 2023, the shelter staff estimated me to be about two years old, but you would never know it by my soft squeaky meow and insatiable love of playing with any and all toys. I may just be a … [Read more...]
Cecily – Adopted!
Cecliy was adopted Friday, March 10, 2023! Meet Cecily! No sooner had Cecily, also known as CeCe, celebrated her second birthday when her original owner decided to surrender her to a rescue in October 2019. Kitty Devore Rescue welcomed this bright, beautiful, front-declawed girl into our care with open arms. Thankfully, CeCe adapts well to new people and environments. … [Read more...]
Avril – Adopted!
Avril was adopted Monday, February 27, 2023!Meet Avril! This active girl was six months old when she entered Kitty Devore foster care in January 2023. Avril flutters about like a social butterfly with boundless energy that she channels into playtime, running around and exploring. She consents to be held or placed in a warm lap, but chances are she'll rouse to action … [Read more...]
Rorschach – Adopted!
Rory was adopted Saturday, February 25, 2023! The schoolchildren who heard the plaintive meows back in October 2022 didn't interpret the sounds as anything other than a baby kitten. They rescued the little inkblot and enlisted someone to contact us. We took him in and named this inky little splotch Rorschach. Rorschach, or Rory, was lovingly raised in Kitty Devore … [Read more...]
Duke – Adopted!
Duke was adopted Saturday, March 19, 2023! In early 2022, a woman contacted us seeking to surrender her adopted 8-month-old female Birman kitty, who had given birth to five adorable kittens. The father of the kittens, Duke, whom she opted to keep - until later in the year when she contacted us again, seeking to surrender him, too! Although foster placements were limited, we … [Read more...]
Lark – Adopted!
Lark was adopted Saturday, January 7, 2023! Meet Lark! This sweet-natured and outgoing girl found herself admitted to Devore Animal Shelter in mid-November 2022. With her winning personality and stunning torbie good looks, this lovely 2-year-old beauty wasted no time attracting an adopter on the last day of the month. However, barely a week had passed since they brought Lark … [Read more...]
Artimus – Adopted!
Artimus was adopted Thursday, March 23, 2023! In the sweltering month of July 2022, a 5-month-old kitten with a coat the color of sun and snow found his way into the deliberately chilled cat room of Devore Shelter. While able to beat the heat, Artimus soon discovered that escape back outdoors was impossible, so he appealed to every shelter staff member and visitor who passed … [Read more...]
Blakley – Adopted!
Blakley was adopted Tuesday, December 6, 2022! Meet Blakley! She and her two identical sisters were admitted to Devore Shelter in mid-September 2022 when they were three months old. Her sisters were quickly adopted, but Blakley was left behind, waiting patiently for someone to notice her and take her home, too. When her foster mom saw her, Blakely, forlorn and dejected, was … [Read more...]
Precious Gem – Adopted!
Precious Gem and her daughter, Bell, were adopted together on Friday, November 18, 2022! Meet Precious Gem! This sweet girl was approximately one year old when she and her adorable mini-me daughter, Bell, were admitted to Devore Shelter in August of 2022. Fearing one would be adopted without the other, they were so relieved when Kitty Devore Rescue rescued them … [Read more...]
Mary Anne – Adopted!
Mary Anne was adopted January 16, 2023! In 2012, when Mary Anne was only two months old, she and her three siblings were rescued from Devore Shelter by the Kitty Devore Rescue team. They all spent time in a wonderful and loving foster home before, one by one, each found their forever home. A kindly older woman chose to adopt Mary Anne and another older but unrelated kitty as … [Read more...]
Lapsang – Adopted!
Lapsang and his sister, Jasmine, were adopted together on Thursday, November 3, 2022! Thanks to a kindly Kitty Devore Rescue member who intercepted them from the shelter parking lot, the Tea Kittens - Chai Latte, Fukamushi, Jasmine, Oolong, and Lapsang - never saw the inside of Devore Animal Shelter. It's a fortunate thing for them that he did. They were all under 8 weeks … [Read more...]
Floyd – Adopted!
Floyd was adopted Thursday, October 6, 2022! Someone admitted this little agouti foundling to the care of Devore Shelter in July 2022 when he was approximately three months old. He was alone, without his mom or siblings, but he hoped someone would adopt him. Yet people passed over plain little Floyd, despite his charming, persistent personality. Then he contracted a kitty … [Read more...]
Asgore – Adopted!
Asgore was adopted Thursday, October 6, 2022! One of our adoption venue volunteers found an 8-week-old kitten in mid-July 2022. She could not keep this adorable little orange and white boy with large, soulful eyes and asked our adoption event manager what to do. Our adoption event manager took him home with her, where one of her teenage sons christened him with the … [Read more...]
Lea Belle – Adopted!
Lea Belle was adopted May 3, 2023!Meet Lea Belle! In August of 2022, someone admitted this adorable little charmer as a solo act to Devore Shelter when she was just two months old. She developed a slight kitty cold while there and, although alone and frightened, she didn't have to worry for long. We heard her S.O.S. and didn't hesitate to take a chance on her. Lea Belle, … [Read more...]
Zazzle – Adopted!
Zazzle was adopted February 1, 2023! Zazzle razzle-dazzled himself right into a drop trap at the tail end of April 2022 and, not long afterward, found himself unceremoniously admitted to Devore Shelter in San Bernardino, California. But you know what? It might have been the best thing for this ruggedly handsome orange tabby because, not long after his arrival, shelter staff … [Read more...]
Victorine – Adopted!
Victorine was adopted Friday, December 9, 2022! Since their admittance in mid-November 2021, Momma Victorine awaited rescue for herself and her little ones, Montana and Monday. With each passing day, her certainty someone would come for them waned. However, on a sunny Sunday in early December, a caring Kitty Devore Rescue member, armed with his trusty carrier, walked into … [Read more...]
Monday – Adopted!
Monday and his buddy, Kip, were adopted together on June 25, 2023! Since their admittance in mid-November 2021, Momma Victorine awaited rescue for herself and her little ones, Montana and Monday. With each passing day, her certainty someone would come for them waned. However, on a sunny Sunday in early December, a caring Kitty Devore Rescue member, armed with his trusty … [Read more...]
Fukamushi – Adopted!
Fukamushi was adopted Saturday, August 20, 2022! The Tea Kittens - Chai Latte, Fukamushi, Jasmine, Oolong, and Lapsang - never saw the inside of Devore Animal Shelter as intended by the person who brought them there, thanks to a kindly Kitty Devore Rescue member who happened to intercept them in the shelter parking lot. And it's a fortunate thing for them that he did. They … [Read more...]