Love, love, love! That's all this kitty wants! Meet Fontana, a wonderful kitty through and through! We rescued Fontana and her young litter of kittens from Devore Shelter in November 2024, when shelter staff estimated her to be approximately 1 year old. Admitted as a stray, we determined she'd already been through a lot in her young life. However, we were struck by her … [Read more...]
Nebulah – Young Female
Nebulah! Named after the vast and luminous clouds of dust and gas where stars are born, this little star beamed radiant and bright right from the start. She and her siblings, Komet and Eclypse, were born in a warehouse in Anaheim and brought into foster care at just two days old. Their mother, Nova—who also gave birth to KD fosters Wacko and Dot—had eluded the traps for too … [Read more...]
Lamar – Adopted!
Lamar was adopted Thursday, October 26, 2023! Lamar entered Devore Animal Shelter in late June 2023, looking pretty beat up and very rough around the edges. Shelter staff estimated him to be around six years old, and yet, despite his world-weary appearance, this good-natured sweetheart responded to attention and affection with a heartbreaking eagerness. Clearly, he knew love … [Read more...]
Amber – Adopted!
Amber was adopted Saturday, November 4, 2023! Meet Amber! Rescued from Devore Animal Shelter in May of 2023 when she was approximately six months old, she's everything you'd want in a young kitty. Although she contracted a virulent kitty cold at the shelter that required a week of hospitalization, her joy and wonder of the world around her enabled her to bounce back better … [Read more...]
Alastair – Young Male
Alastair was adopted May 21, 2023! Ready, set, GO! My name is Alastair, and I love life! I am the cheeriest, happiest little boy. I was just three months old when someone brought me to Devore Shelter in early April 2023, but Kitty Devore rescued me not long after. I caught a cold there and didn't feel my best, but my foster mom helped me feel much better. And now, I'm ready … [Read more...]
Duke – Adopted!
Duke was adopted Saturday, March 19, 2023! In early 2022, a woman contacted us seeking to surrender her adopted 8-month-old female Birman kitty, who had given birth to five adorable kittens. The father of the kittens, Duke, whom she opted to keep - until later in the year when she contacted us again, seeking to surrender him, too! Although foster placements were limited, we … [Read more...]
Chai Latte – Adopted!
Chai Latte was adopted August 14, 2022!The Tea Kittens - Chai Latte, Fukamushi, Jasmine, Oolong, and Lapsang - never saw the inside of Devore Animal Shelter as intended by the person who brought them there, thanks to a kindly Kitty Devore Rescue member who happened to intercept them in the shelter parking lot. And it's a fortunate thing for them that he did. They were all under … [Read more...]
Tippy Too – Adopted!
Tippy Too was adopted Saturday, January 8, 2022! Meet Tippy Too! In December of 2016, when she was 8 years old, Tippy Too's owner abandoned her at Devore Animal Shelter for being "too fat." Upon rescue, we found her to be distraught and depressed. Who wouldn't be? Even kitties are sensitive to being fat-shamed and abandoned! Sadly, one of the ironic effects of her … [Read more...]
Kiara-Dixy – Adopted!
Kiara-Dixy was adopted Tuesday, January 18, 2022! Meet Kiara-Dixy! This adorable little 2-year-old was rescued from Devore Shelter in October 2021. We're not sure of the circumstances of her first couple years of life, but we do know she belonged to someone before her surrender to the shelter as a stray. We know this because she was microchipped. However, despite efforts to … [Read more...]
Capri – Young Female – Adopted!
Capri and her three adorable siblings - Maxine DeVille, Pinto, and Wyatt - along with their mom, were admitted to Devore Shelter not long after they were born; just two weeks old! The little family escaped the euthanasia list for weeks but at last, their time was finally up. Kitty Devore Rescue was able to swoop in that very last day and rescue the entire family. Not long after … [Read more...]