Meet Leonhard! This spunky guy was approximately six weeks old when he entered Kitty Devore's foster care on June 23, 2024. Leonhard instantly stood out as the loudest member of his family, singing the song of his people the entire car ride home from the shelter. He was willing to ask questions, voice his concerns, and speak to the management about his demands … [Read more...]
Harlo – Young Male
Meet Harlo! This adorable mini-panther was approximately nine weeks old when he entered Kitty Devore's foster care on July 19, 2024. Someone brought Harlo to Devore Animal Shelter after being found at a structure fire in Fontana. Luckily, he only suffered singed whiskers and fur. When he arrived at his foster home, Harlo was understandably nervous around people. Even … [Read more...]
Katherine – Adopted!
Katherine was adopted Sunday, October 6, 2024! Meet Katherine! This beautiful little lady was approximately six weeks old when she entered Kitty Devore's foster care on June 23, 2024. Katherine stands out in her litter as the lone Siamese mix in a sea of cow kitties. But she isn't just a pretty face; she's also a smarty pants. You can see the gears turning in her … [Read more...]
Newton – Young Male
Meet Newton! This handsome boy was approximately six weeks old when he entered Kitty Devore's foster care on June 23, 2024. Newton is a sweetheart who is willing to let the more attention-seeking kitties have the limelight. Even as a baby, he was a slow, calm eater who needed to be separated from his hungry hippo siblings at meal time. He's a sensitive kitten who … [Read more...]
Isac – Young Male
Meet Isac! This adorable cow kitty was approximately six weeks old when he entered Kitty Devore's foster care on June 23, 2024. Isac fulfills the role of the youngest sibling in his litter of four - he's small, has a "pet me" face that is impossible to resist and tends to follow the other kittens' lead. Isac adores people - following his foster parents around the … [Read more...]
Emi – Adult Female
Meet Emi! This miniature Savannah cat was approximately one year old when she entered Kitty Devore's foster care in June 2024. Though she may start off a little shy, Emi's playful side quickly shines through, especially with her fellow feline friends. Whether chasing after a toy or snuggling up with a kitten, Emi knows how to get along with cats of all ages, and she's … [Read more...]
Macaroni – Adult Male
The first thing you should know about Macaroni is that he loves to love and be loved! How this handsome lover-boy wound up in Devore Animal Shelter in December 2023 is beyond us. What's more, the shelter initially labeled him Rescue Only, which means they observed him demonstrating some kind of behavioral aggression. Our best guess is that Macaroni, estimated to be about two … [Read more...]
Dori Dawn – Adopted!
Dori Dawn was adopted on Sunday, April 7, 2024! Dori Dawn patiently waited for someone to visit the shelter to rescue or adopt her. In all honesty, her predicament baffled her. She had no idea how, at three years old, she wound up in a tiny kennel in the cat room at Devore Animal Shelter in December 2023. To make things worse, she caught a cold from one of the other kitties … [Read more...]
Victor Elias – Adopted!
Victor Elias was adopted on Tuesday, May 28, 2024! Meet Victor Elias! This handsome boy was approximately one year old when he entered Kitty Devore foster care in December 2023. It's hard to believe that a kitty GQ model such as Victor Elias had a prolonged stay at the Big Bear Shelter after being rescued from a hoarding situation - he's too beautiful to have known … [Read more...]
Queso – Adult Male
Not all Kitty Devore Rescue kittens endure time at Devore Animal Shelter while awaiting adoption or rescue. Some kitties find their way to our amazing foster parents like heat-seeking missiles targeting those with loving hearts and willing to provide them the care they so desperately need. Such was the case with the Las Botanas kittens - Chalupa, Gordita, Taco, and Queso. Their … [Read more...]
Taco – Adult Male
Not all Kitty Devore Rescue kittens endure time at Devore Animal Shelter while awaiting adoption or rescue. Some kitties find their way to our amazing foster parents like heat-seeking missiles targeting those with loving hearts and willing to provide them the care they so desperately need. Such was the case with the Las Botanas kittens - Chalupa, Gordita, Taco, and Queso. Their … [Read more...]
Gordita – Adopted!
Gordita was adopted Sunday, September 15, 2024! Not all Kitty Devore Rescue kittens endure time at Devore Animal Shelter while awaiting adoption or rescue. Some kitties find their way to our amazing foster parents like heat-seeking missiles targeting those with loving hearts and willing to provide them the care they so desperately need. Such was the case with the Las Botanas … [Read more...]
Chalupa – Adopted!
Chalupa was adopted Sunday, February 4, 2024! Not all Kitty Devore Rescue kittens endure time at Devore Animal Shelter while awaiting adoption or rescue. Some kitties find their way to our amazing foster parents like heat-seeking missiles targeting those with loving hearts and willing to provide them the care they so desperately need. Such was the case with the Las Botanas … [Read more...]
Frank Leroy – Adopted!
Frank Leroy was adopted on Monday, January 15, 2024! People don't realize San Bernardino promotes a leash law prohibiting any animal (not just dogs!) from wandering unleashed and unaccompanied by an owner on public property. That includes cats! So, all outdoor kitties are subject to entrapment and impoundment. And that's exactly what happened to Frank Leroy and two of his … [Read more...]
Dina – Young Female
Dina was adopted March 30, 2024! Sweet little Dina was admitted with her brother to Devore Animal Shelter in San Bernardino in September 2023 when they were approximately four months old. Both suffered a case of the sniffles. Her brother was adopted, but Dina continued to wait for an adopter. When no one came for her and her time ran out, we swooped in to embrace her into … [Read more...]
Chester – Adopted!
Chester was adopted Tuesday, May 13, 2023! Chester's tenacious nature enabled him to persevere through the challenges in his early life. With his soft fur and bright eyes, he reminds us that there is hope even in the darkest times. In the song "One More Light" by Linkin Park, the lyrics speak to the importance of shining a light in the world and being there for others. … [Read more...]
Zinger – Adopted!
Zinger was adopted Thursday, August 3, 2023! Meet Zinger! This gorgeous guy was approximately ten years old when we rescued him and his roommate, Zenna, from Devore Shelter in March 2023. Sadly, their owner was a casualty of the unusual blizzard that hit areas of San Bernardino hard in winter. Both were surrendered to the shelter when no one else offered to take them in. We, … [Read more...]
Zenna – Adopted!
Zenna was adopted Wednesday, October 30, 2024! Meet Zenna! This sweet girl was approximately four years old when we rescued her and her roommate, Zinger, from Devore Shelter in March 2023. Sadly, their owner was a casualty of the unusual blizzard that hit areas of San Bernardino hard in winter. Both were surrendered to the shelter when no one else offered to take them in. … [Read more...]
Jewelz – Adopted!
Jewelz was adopted April 29, 2023! Introducing one of our newest additions to KD foster care - a precious and rare female orange tabby named Jewelz! She arrived in our foster care program when her former owner contacted us before her impending move to a no-pets apartment. In March 2023, the vet confirmed this adorable girl was 1.5 years old, but we didn't need an expert to … [Read more...]
Cecily – Adopted!
Cecliy was adopted Friday, March 10, 2023! Meet Cecily! No sooner had Cecily, also known as CeCe, celebrated her second birthday when her original owner decided to surrender her to a rescue in October 2019. Kitty Devore Rescue welcomed this bright, beautiful, front-declawed girl into our care with open arms. Thankfully, CeCe adapts well to new people and environments. … [Read more...]