Rocket Man was adopted Wednesday, February 2, 2022! "I'm a Rocket Man… burning out his fuse up here alone…" And yet, our Rocket Man would love nothing more than to blast off into a forever home where he's loved and adored for the amazing guy he is. And, he's more than happy to tell you all about his sky-high dreams with his musical two-syllable "Meow-wow!". He's pretty … [Read more...]
Keera – Adopted!
Keera was adopted on April 23, 2022! Keera, "little dark-haired one," according to the Celts, was only eight months old when we initially rescued her from Devore Animal Shelter in November of 2013. She was adopted not long after that and enjoyed her life with her new mom for many years. However, her adoptive mom brought another kitty into the home that once was her sole … [Read more...]
Tippy Too – Adopted!
Tippy Too was adopted Saturday, January 8, 2022! Meet Tippy Too! In December of 2016, when she was 8 years old, Tippy Too's owner abandoned her at Devore Animal Shelter for being "too fat." Upon rescue, we found her to be distraught and depressed. Who wouldn't be? Even kitties are sensitive to being fat-shamed and abandoned! Sadly, one of the ironic effects of her … [Read more...]
Virgil – Adopted!
Virgil was adopted Saturday, January 8, 2022! "Look with favor upon a bold beginning." wrote the legendary Roman poet, Virgil. Our Virgil found his way to Kitty Devore Rescue by just such a beginning: a plea from a woman who feared for his life, felt he was in danger, and begged us to take him into our care. We did. Foster mom, Aileen, was quite surprised to find a … [Read more...]
Giselle – Adopted!
Giselle was adopted on Tuesday, August 1, 2023! Giselle, along with her mom and siblings, were rescued from Devore Shelter in October of 2016. She and her brother and sisters were only 7 weeks old at the time. At the time the little family was rescued, they’d all come down with URIs while at the shelter and required care and medication to restore them to … [Read more...]
Primrose – Adopted!
Primrose was adopted May 27, 2023! When we rescue kitties from Devore Shelter, their past is often a mystery. Primrose, a stunning torbie beauty, was no exception. All we knew about her after she was admitted in July of 2020 was that she was a polydactyl (extra thumb on her paws), she was terrified, and she needed help. The shelter staff estimated her to be about a year … [Read more...]
Swan – Adopted!
Swan was adopted Saturday, February 26, 2022! Momma Swan was expecting when she was admitted to Devore Shelter in September of 2020. On September 11th, she gave birth to two adorable little kittens while awaiting rescue. Little did she know their birthday was also the entire family’s “Gotcha Day.” Even though Swan and her kittens, Magpie and Sandpiper, spent … [Read more...]