Eclypse! Impossible to ignore, he's full of awe-inspiring energy, much like the solar and lunar celestial events. He and his siblings, Nebulah and Komet, were born in a warehouse in Anaheim and brought into foster care at just two days old. Their mother, Nova—who also gave birth to KD fosters Wacko and Dot—had eluded the traps for too long. Once rescuers finally caught her, she … [Read more...]
Danby – Adopted!
Danby was adopted Tuesday, April 16, 2024!Hi there! My name is Danby, and I am the life of the party! I loooooove to play with any and everything. And if my favorite person is by my side playing with me - all the better! Somehow I found myself in the shelter with my two siblings, Danti and Munsey, and my beautiful momma, Yadana. The nice people at Kitty Devore pulled me to … [Read more...]