Steve Irwin was adopted Friday, November 19, 2021!
Many of our foster parents who take feline families in need into their care choose name themes. When Momma Blanca and her five kittens were rescued from Devore Shelter in May of 2021, their foster mom named each kitty after a person she admired and who champions the welfare of animals: Momma Dian Fossey, Steve Irwin, Bindi Irwin, David Attenborough, Jane Goodall, and Ellen DeGeneres.

Steve Irwin was named after the Crocodile Hunter, who taught people to appreciate scaley and bitey creatures. Steve, the kitten, shares the enthusiasm of his namesake. He is bright, active, and on a daily mission to win your affection. Steve meows loudly, reaching out to you with his paws, determined not to be ignored. Pick him up, carry him around, give him ample neck and back scratches, and he’ll reward you with happy purrs. Steve is naturally athletic, climbing with ease, enthusiastically chasing strings. He plays hard with his four siblings. To be truly happy, Steve would need to be adopted into a home with at least one other kitty of a similar age and energy level. He is not single, independent kitty material. In addition to other cats, Steve enjoys people of all ages.

Do you have the energy to engage this active boy and his adventurous spirit? If so, apply to adopt the amazing Steve Irwin today!