Shahdow was adopted Monday, February 3, 2025!
Spying the captivating, smokey Shahdow now, you’d never guess two KD foster parents found him and his sisters Joieand Moon the Chimera hovering near an apartment complex dumpster on a chilly October night in 2023 when they were just two months old. With crusted eyes, sniffling noses, and starving bellies, each struggled to survive their unfriendly environment. Thankfully, their rescuers didn’t hesitate to scoop them up and bring them indoors where they’d be safe and fed. Still, because the babies were in such dire condition, their new guardians worried they might not persevere. Later, when they shuttled the kittens to our vet, he diagnosed them with severe upper respiratory infections, a bad case of ringworm, and critical malnourishment.

Love and care can work miracles, and combined with Shahdow and his sisters’ will to survive, they recovered little by little, growing stronger and healthier with each passing week. Shahdow began to demonstrate his stunning athletic ability by showing off how swift and elusive he could be on his feet. Like a playful little sprite, he effortlessly endeared himself to everyone who met him. In addition to his gentle but mischievous spirit and mesmerizing good looks, he’s a charmer, beguiling humans and other cats alike with his gregarious, affectionate nature. Like a little pied piper, he attracts friends and admirers wherever he goes – especially if you entice him with Purr Pops, Churus, and maybe a little bit of Cat TV.

If you’re seeking a loving companion to shadow you wherever you go, then Shahdow might be the perfect kitty for you. Don’t hesitate, or he may disappear! Fill out an adoption application for Shahdow at www.kittydevorerescue.org today!