We didn’t know, and the shelter staff didn’t know, but she was expecting when we rescued Rosy in early August 2023! Her foster parents didn’t anticipate kittens as part of the fostering deal, but they learned the happy news after a veterinary exam appointment. We were concerned though. Rosy, just one year old then, was so thin and malnourished. We had just enough time to help her fortify her body in anticipation of her bundles of joy. A month after her rescue, Rosy welcomed identical gray quadruplets on September 6th – Ace, Charlie, Bootz, and her single daughter, Jannie.

Rosy, just like an actual rose, takes time to bloom. Her foster parents discovered that patience and dedicated love enabled Rosy to blossom into the most loving of companions to humans and other cats alike. After a hard life on the streets, she relishes her leisure time and indoor life, lounging in her bowl scratchers for hours on end. She appreciates chin scratches and is endlessly fascinated with Bird TV. Above all else, she loves her treats and anyone can entice her with Churus or Temptations. Of course, these don’t stunt her appetite. Rosy never misses a meal! As soon as she hears the pop of a can or the clattering of delicious pieces of goodness filling her bowl, she beelines to the kitchen faster than you can blink.

Despite her rough start, she’s landed soft, and her spirit remains resilient and indomitable. As a social girl, Rosy would thrive best in a home with other kitties and humans who strive to earn her trust and love. You’ll know you’ve succeeded when she bestows you with your first love bite. If you’re convinced Rosy is the perfect kitty for you, fill out an adoption application to adopt her today!