Rory was adopted Saturday, February 25, 2023!
The schoolchildren who heard the plaintive meows back in October 2022 didn’t interpret the sounds as anything other than a baby kitten. They rescued the little inkblot and enlisted someone to contact us. We took him in and named this inky little splotch Rorschach.

Rorschach, or Rory, was lovingly raised in Kitty Devore Rescue care from the time he was about five weeks old. One doesn’t require deep psychological analysis to see he’s an adorable, cuddly little guy. Separated from his momma too early, he gravitates toward loving arms and warm laps for comfort. He raises his face for kisses, relishing pets around his eyes and nose, and, in response, will purr his pleasure. His foster home boasts many kitties of differing ages, providing him with a fantastic opportunity for socialization. And socialize, he does! Zooming, leaping, tackling, and rolling around the house with his buddies is an endless source of joy for Rory. One of his favorite playmates is his big foster brother, Duke. The two spend hours together playing chase and hide and seek. Make of it what you will, but Rory is also a foodie. Intrigued by the food bin, excited when his bowl is filled, he’ll gobble whatever he’s given, then ask you to share yours. Most of all, Rory forms deep attachments to his special person, accompanying them around the house and sleeping close at night.

If you’re seeking insight into the mysteries of the heart, Rorschach is the perfect inkblot for you. He knows how to interpret love, and he has much to give. Fill out an adoption application for him today!