Ralston, whose name is Scottish and refers to the barony of Ralston – or Ralph’s settlement – was rescued from Devore Shelter in early June, 2018. The shelter had deemed him to be a “medical waiver” kitty. Medical Waiver, or MW’s as we call them, are kitties who have some form of minor medical issue. These kitties are available to the general public to adopt by signing the shelter’s liability medical waiver. Sadly, most of them do not get adopted as most people seeking to adopt at the shelter want happy, healthy kitties that won’t require immediate veterinary care. So, kitties like Ralston are at particular risk of being euthanized sooner than healthy kitties at the shelter are. And that’s where a rescue like ours comes in!
Ralston had what appeared to be car exhaust burns in two areas on his backside. The wounds, although in an advanced stage of healing, were still very painful to him. Ralston’s attending veterinarian wasn’t certain if his fur would grow back in these two spots but we were hopeful – and were pleased when we began to see fur regrowth!
Handsome Ralston is estimated to be about 4 years old so he has many, many wonderful years ahead of him. Despite all he’s been through, he’s an extremely affectionate and trusting fellow. He absolutely loves being around people and cannot get enough of any and all attention lavished on him.
Ralston was adopted with his buddy, Dijon, on October 21, 2018!