Qwynn is a serene and beautiful dilute tortie with the most adorable freckles on her nose. She’s perfectly content to keep her human companions company when they’re napping, resting or simply lounging on the sofa while watching television or reading an engaging book. Should you get up for a snack or a bathroom break, she’ll be happy to accompany you there and back again. She enjoys attention and gentle affection but also enjoys playtime just as much as the next kitty. Qwynn is so good-natured that she has no qualms whatsoever when it comes to sharing her space with other kitties as well as dogs. She enjoys the company of her sister, Harlie, however, they do not need to be adopted together. In foster care, they have made friends with other kitties independent of one another.
Qwynn and her sister, Harlie, found their way to Kitty Devore Rescue foster care when they were about a year old and after they lost their home.
Qwynn’s foster home is in Ontairo, CA, but she will be making appearances at our Petsmart adoption venue in Santa Ana.
Qwynn and her sister, Harlie, were both adopted together on April 14, 2019!