Pouff and her BFF, Audrine, were adopted together on March 14, 2021!
Meet Pouff! Pouff entered Kitty Devore Rescue foster care after her rescue from Devore Shelter in January of 2019. She was estimated to be about 5 years old at the time so we knew she had to have been someone’s baby once upon a time. And, for whatever reason, she was abandoned to the shelter and an uncertain fate. Such a beautiful girl but the shelter environment frightened her and, even in the safety of her foster home, she remained scared and shy for quite some time. It’s taken nearly two years for this sweet little lady to come out of her shell and begin to develop a bond of trust with her foster family.
Pouff is reluctant to be picked up and held. Attempts to do so will only cause her to panic. However, the second her foster mom gets ready for bed, she is the first one on the bed, ready for pets and love. Her foster mom believes Pouff does have a special gift though. Pouff has a genuine affection for all the kitties in her foster home but, as a wounded healer, she has helped those who were considered extremely unsocial to learn to trust the humans caring for them. Pouff has a special bond with her foster sister, the ever-confident and amazing Audrine. Pouff would do very well if she could be adopted with Audrine as she relies on her aplomb and self-assurance in everyday situations, which gives Pouff the courage she lacks to be a little more outgoing.

If you are interested in this beautiful girl, know that we would like her to be adopted together with Audrine, if possible. However, we will consider a solo adoptive home to those with experience with shy kitties. If you are interested in adopting Pouff and Audrine together or if you are an adept and experienced cat whisperer, fill out and submit an adoption application today!