Odin is a very special kitty. He is very special because he is a polydactyl kitty. That means that he has an extra toe on each of his four paws. This is a genetically inherited trait that is most commonly found along the East Coast and South West England and Wales. This trait was made famous by Ernest Hemingway and they are often called “Hemingway Cats” because of his famous aficionado for this typed of cat.
Odin has beautiful orange fur and markings. He has a quiet, sweet meow and will call out for you when he wants attention.
Odin is a very affectionate kitty. He loves to follow his foster mom and dad around the house. When we sit down, he loves to sit in our lap and he sleeps with us as well. He is very gentle and sweet. Odin also loves kids and other cats. He’s okay with dogs.
Odin has been adopted!