Norie is a young torbie (tabby and tortoiseshell) lady full of snuggles and playfulness. She came to us from Devore Animal Shelter with an upper respiratory infection and four kittens only 3 weeks old. Unfortunately, while Momma Norie was able to recover from her URI, her kittens were too week to fight it off and passed away.
Luckily Norie has bounced back and is such a fun little kitty. She likes to lay on her foster mom’s chest, in her lap, or by her side at night while watching TV. She’s game for playtime and will chase Da Bird (feather on a string toy) or bat a ball around the floor. Norie doesn’t mind being scooped up and carried around or cradled in your arms. She does have a spunky side so watch your hand if you pet her belly because she’ll get ya!
Norie does well around other kitties and would probably be fine around a calm, well-behaved dog, although she has not been around dogs while in foster care.
Norie has been adopted!