Her name is Noki. But it might as well be gnocchi. Because this little girl is a bit of a potato. Princess Potato if you will. A kitten head on the solid body of a potato.
One of only two surviving kittens in a litter of eight, Noki was bottle fed for the first three months of her life. She finally transitioned to wet kitten food and has never looked back! Well, except to suckle her foster mom’s fingers on occasion. She is loving, playful and absolutely hilarious when playing with her best friend Miep. The one oddly amazing characteristic they share? No fear of vacuums. Zero fear. They need to be asked to kindly move out of the way! While not biological sisters they are both survivors of similar age and while they don’t need to be adopted together, Noki would definitely need another kitty companion in the home as she’s very social and needs someone to expend energy with.
When she isn’t playing Noki is sleeping and looking too cute. She loves to cuddle on chests, has a big purr and doesn’t hide her love. She takes to new people easily, loves all her foster siblings and even the foster dog. You couldn’t ask for a more adorable girl to share your life with.
Noki has been adopted as of SaturdY, March 14, 2020!