Soma was adopted Monday, January 6, 2025! Meet Soma! This adorable young lady arrived at Big Bear Shelter in mid-October 2023, along with a considerable clowder of other cats abandoned on a property in the San Bernardino mountains. A woman had been caring for them, but circumstances unknown, she left them to fend for themselves. Worried they'd not fare well with the onset of … [Read more...]
Queso – Adult Male
Not all Kitty Devore Rescue kittens endure time at Devore Animal Shelter while awaiting adoption or rescue. Some kitties find their way to our amazing foster parents like heat-seeking missiles targeting those with loving hearts and willing to provide them the care they so desperately need. Such was the case with the Las Botanas kittens - Chalupa, Gordita, Taco, and Queso. Their … [Read more...]
Taco – Adult Male
Not all Kitty Devore Rescue kittens endure time at Devore Animal Shelter while awaiting adoption or rescue. Some kitties find their way to our amazing foster parents like heat-seeking missiles targeting those with loving hearts and willing to provide them the care they so desperately need. Such was the case with the Las Botanas kittens - Chalupa, Gordita, Taco, and Queso. Their … [Read more...]
Gordita – Adopted!
Gordita was adopted Sunday, September 15, 2024! Not all Kitty Devore Rescue kittens endure time at Devore Animal Shelter while awaiting adoption or rescue. Some kitties find their way to our amazing foster parents like heat-seeking missiles targeting those with loving hearts and willing to provide them the care they so desperately need. Such was the case with the Las Botanas … [Read more...]
Chalupa – Adopted!
Chalupa was adopted Sunday, February 4, 2024! Not all Kitty Devore Rescue kittens endure time at Devore Animal Shelter while awaiting adoption or rescue. Some kitties find their way to our amazing foster parents like heat-seeking missiles targeting those with loving hearts and willing to provide them the care they so desperately need. Such was the case with the Las Botanas … [Read more...]