Punky Brewster was adopted March 29, 2024! Meet Punky Brewster! This chonky tabby was approximately six years old when she entered Kitty Devore's foster care program in May 2023. When we rescued her from the Devore Animal Shelter, she wasn't in the best head space. No longer able to care for her, her previous owner stuck Punky in a small crate for a while (which also … [Read more...]
Destry – Adopted!
Destry was adopted Sunday, February 4, 2024! A citizen trapped Destry when he happened to wander through their property in search of food. Although desperate to escape the confines of the narrow cage, beating his face against the bars that imprisoned him and wounding himself in the process, the citizen offered him no empathy and hauled him to Devore Animal Shelter for … [Read more...]
Frank Leroy – Adopted!
Frank Leroy was adopted on Monday, January 15, 2024! People don't realize San Bernardino promotes a leash law prohibiting any animal (not just dogs!) from wandering unleashed and unaccompanied by an owner on public property. That includes cats! So, all outdoor kitties are subject to entrapment and impoundment. And that's exactly what happened to Frank Leroy and two of his … [Read more...]
Dina – Young Female
Dina was adopted March 30, 2024! Sweet little Dina was admitted with her brother to Devore Animal Shelter in San Bernardino in September 2023 when they were approximately four months old. Both suffered a case of the sniffles. Her brother was adopted, but Dina continued to wait for an adopter. When no one came for her and her time ran out, we swooped in to embrace her into … [Read more...]
Enzo – Adopted!
Enzo was adopted Saturday, October 28, 2023! Kitty Devore Rescue scooped up little Enzo, estimated to be about ten weeks old at the time, from Devore Shelter in August of 2023. He contracted a nasty kitty cold while at the shelter and desperately needed veterinary attention and lots of TLC. Now, however, this adorable flame point Siamese darling thrives in his doting foster … [Read more...]