Are you in need of a Gumbie Cat? Yes? Then Jennyanydots is the perfect girl for you! Just as the T.S. Eliot poem and song from Andrew Lloyd Webber’s CATS suggests, she may seem like a lazy girl by day because she loves to lounge upon the stairs, the steps or mat but when the day is done, she’s a busy little bee. She loves to roam around, explore and find interesting things to poke her nose into.
At 2 years old, Jennyanydots found her way into Kitty Devore Rescue in October of 2018. She’d been expecting when she was admitted to Devore Shelter but, sadly, her little ones could not survive the shelter environment. Jenny, herself, was very sick when rescued and needed to be nursed back to health. But once she was feeling better, whoa ho! Watch out! This little torbie girl with a spot on her body that sometimes looks like a heart depending on the angle, loves to be loved, craves the attention of humans and is perfectly content to be picked up and cuddled. She’s the perfect lap kitty!
Jennyanydots is sure to steal the heart of any human young or old that she comes across but also socializes easily with other cats and dogs.
Jennyanydots was adopted February 23, 2019!