What is cooler than a girl named Harlie? This adventurous and inquisitive gray and white young lady will take your heart for a ride.
Did you know cats can do wheelies? They can – and Harlie does! In cat-speak, a wheelie is when a kitty stands up on hind legs to rub her head on your outstretched hand. “I must have pets now!” Harlie says. No one can resist her wheelies! And she can’t resist being pet. It really gets her motor running. She loves it and, if she had her way, she’d have you pet her all day.
Harlie and her sister, Qwynn, found their way to Kitty Devore Rescue foster care when they were about a year old and after they lost their home. Harlie is the more outgoing and adventurous of the two while Qwynn is content to allow her sister to take the lead in most things. While the girls came into foster care together, they do not need to be adopted together. They’ve both made friends with other kitties while in foster care and we’re confident that, while it would be great if they were adopted as a team, both will do well adopted independent of one another, too.
Harlie’s foster home is in Ontairo, CA, but she will be making appearances at our Petsmart adoption venue in Santa Ana.
Harlie and her sister, Qwynn, were both adopted together on April 14, 2019!