Eclypse! Impossible to ignore, he’s full of awe-inspiring energy, much like the solar and lunar celestial events. He and his siblings, Nebulah and Komet, were born in a warehouse in Anaheim and brought into foster care at just two days old. Their mother, Nova—who also gave birth to KD fosters Wacko and Dot—had eluded the traps for too long. Once rescuers finally caught her, she stayed with her newest babies until they were old enough to be independent. Then, she underwent her spay and vaccinations before returning to her colony.

From the start, Eclypse jostled his way through to get the best nursing spot. Not only was he a momma’s boy, but also a greedy little milk hog. He eclipsed his siblings by emerging as the feistiest and fattest of the litter. However, when introduced to wet food, he lagged through the transition. Still, it didn’t take him long to catch up, and he’s never missed a meal since. Full of mischief and always up for fun, Eclypse loves to jump, roughhouse, and play fetch, although he’s not the best at retrieving and returns. His half-brother and best buddy, Wacko, race one another to the apex of the cat trees, but when they’re zoomed out, you can find them curled up together for a well-deserved nap.

Eclypse, who currently resides in a foster home with his littermates, Komet and Nebulah, his older half-siblings Wacko and Dot, a small dog, and two human teenagers, would thrive best in a lively, social environment. Eclypse is a wonder and will bring boundless, unpredictable energy to your home and family. Having another active young kitty who can match his energy level is a must, and if you don’t already have one of your own, you might consider his half-brother, Wacko, too. Fill out an adoption application for Eclypse today!