Hi! My name is Cassiopeia, but you can call me Cassie. I was named after the “seated queen” constellation in the night sky. Like my namesake, I am definitely a queen! I was rescued from Devore Shelter in August 2017 along with my three siblings when we were only 4 months old. We’re so grateful to be out of there and free to find our forever homes! I am a beautiful … [Read more...]
Clark – Adopted!
Hi! My name is Clark (short for Clark Gable). I was named after him because of my dashing good looks and boyish charm! In September of 2017, I was rescued from Devore Shelter. I was all alone and just a 5 month old kid. I was so scared that I would huddle in my litter box. Luckily, I was saved and now spend my days safe, secure and happy in my loving foster home while I wait … [Read more...]
Garfield – Adopted!
Meet Garfield! He and his two brothers made the most adorable set of orange ginger triplets. They were rescued from Devore Shelter in July of 2017. All three boys were only 2 months old at the time of their rescue. We expect grand things for them so each was named after a US President. Since their rescue, they’ve been enjoying themselves in their foster home where life is good, … [Read more...]
Cena – Adopted!
Hi! My name is Cena and I would like to tell you a little about myself. First, I’m a girl. They call the pattern and color of my pretty fur “brown tabby”. I was rescued from Devore Shelter with my brother and sister back in July of 2017. We were only 3 months old at the time. We were definitely happy to get out of there! Our foster home is much nicer, cozier and we get to be … [Read more...]
Owen – Adopted!
Owen is a small muscle baby. His nickname is Alien Kitty due to the shape of his eyes. Owen may be small, but he is one BIG lovebug. He will sit in front of you and talk with you. He gets along with dogs, kids and other kitties. Owen has been adopted! … [Read more...]
Beauregard – Adopted!
Beauregard is AMAZING. If you’re looking for an “in your face, in your space,” purr kitty – Beau is your man! He’s been through so much in his short lifetime, but he’s managed to remain one of the sweetest cats ever. He will gently crawl up your body to give you a kitty hug and purr into your neck. Beau LOVES dogs, in fact, his ideal home would have a kitty-friendly doggie for … [Read more...]
Angel Baby – Adopted!
Meet Angel Baby, a very sweet girl who would love to be in her own home. She would do well as an only kitty or in a home with passive kitties. Angel gets along best with kitties younger than herself and other females. She is a big girl whose favorite pastime is sitting with her human, relaxing and watching TV. Angel purrs up a storm when she's relaxed and getting the one on one … [Read more...]
Sally – Adopted!
Oh my GOODNESS alert! Sally is an absolute LOVE of a kitty who is a PERFECT companion to someone looking for an affectionate feline BFF. She loooooooooves to snuggle, give lots and lots of kisses and to be close to her person. Sally is the first kitty to jump in bed and cuddle up at night time, gets along with other animals very well and has pristine house habits. This girl … [Read more...]
Hugin – Adopted!
Hugin along with his mom, Jinna, and 3 brothers were all rescued from Devore Shelter in April of 2017. At the time of their rescue, the boys were all tiny babies and each one of them has grown into healthy young warriors. In fact, their foster mom named them after four Norse heroes and spirit animals. According to Scandinavian legend, Hugin and Munin were a pair of ravens that … [Read more...]
Ozzy – Adult Male
Ozzy Ozzy Ozzy....oi oi oi (that's the song my foster family sings to me). Hi my name is Ozzy and I'm one very special dude and also, very resilient. I had a rough start in life. I was rescued from Devore Shelter with my two sisters in July, 2017. We were only 2 months old but we’d all caught a terrible cold while at the shelter. When Kitty Devore Rescue came and got us, we … [Read more...]
Dulce – Adopted!
Hi my name is Dulce. I was rescued together with my 2 siblings back in July from the Devore Shelter. My siblings and were very relieved to get out of that place. Since being rescued, my siblings and I have been living a great life with out foster parents. A little about my personality. I am shy but once I know I am safe, I warm up quickly and love to be loved. I love getting … [Read more...]
Mojave – Adopted!
Mojave is possibly the raddest cat you will ever meet. He doesn't scratch furniture, has perfect litter box manners and only meows when he gets himself locked in a bedroom - however, his meows are as if he’s yelling orders because ... well, he's way more rad than you are. He appears to be shy at first but he’s really just being pretentious and wants to make sure that you’re … [Read more...]
Flip Flop – Adopted!
He was rescued from Devore Shelter when he was only 4 months old - and what a sweet little guy he was, too! His original name was Seras but that name didn’t stick. Not long after his rescue, his foster mom renamed him Flip Flop. Why Flip Flop, you ask? Well, when he wants to be pet, he flops down and then flips over to get belly and chest rubs. It’s one of his most … [Read more...]
Matti – Adopted!
Hi there...my name is Matti (that's Matt with an I.) My mom and sister and I were all rescued from Devore Shelter in July, 2017. Mallory, that’s my sister, and I were only tiny babies at the time but we were much happier being in the warm, safe home of our foster family once we got out than we were in the cold shelter without even blankies to keep us warm. I'm just a … [Read more...]
Mallory – Adopted!
I’m sweet Mallory. My mom and brother and I were all rescued from Devore Shelter in July, 2017. Matti, that’s my brother, and I were only tiny babies at the time but we were much happier being in the warm, safe home of our foster family once we got out than we were in the cold shelter without even blankies to keep us warm. I’m growing up to be a beautiful young lady. I have … [Read more...]
Maeble – Adopted!
I’m Maeble, one of the nicest cats you’ll ever meet. Back in June, 2017, my babies and I were rescued from Devore Shelter and taken into the care of our wonderful foster momma and her family. I was able to raise my two little ones with the knowing that we would always be safe, always have food, always know love in our foster home. My babies have grown up enough to where … [Read more...]
Jacko Broke His Leg
Maybelline – Adopted!
Sweet Maybelline and her single kitten were rescued from Devore Shelter in December of 2016. Maybelline was approximately two years old at the time; her little one was just shy of 2 months old. Both were taken into Kitty Devore Rescue's foster care program and have been cared for by the same foster mom ever since. Maybelline is very playful with her daughter, BabyG, who is no … [Read more...]
Sassafrass – Adopted!
Hey there! My name is Sassafrass, but I prefer to go by Sassy. It fits my personality better! I was taken into foster care after being found by a kind stranger in early July, 2017. I was all alone and only 5 weeks old. They couldn’t keep me so they contacted Kitty Devore Rescue and, well, here I am! Yes, I'm a little spunky but in the best way possible. I love to play... I … [Read more...]
Sergei – Adopted!
Sergei was adopted on October 23, 2021! Hi, I’m Sergei nice to make your acquaintance. I am a handsome 4 year old, neutered, white and black fluffy shorthair kitty. I was adopted as a kitten with my brother Fedorov, however, we were returned to our foster home over year later. Our adopter moved and felt he could no longer keep us safe through no fault of ours. I would prefer … [Read more...]