Meet Sweet Baby Kixx!! Kixx was the second of two babies born to Momma Kaye. His brother Ronnie was born on February 23rd and Kixx followed after on February 24th, 2018. Kixx takes after his momma in looks and personality. He’s an active little boy, but he loves to snuggle, too. He is very happy to cuddle up in your arms and take a nap or just hang out. And, of course, … [Read more...]
Keep the Cat – Lose the Allergies
You may be surprised to learn one of the most common reasons why kitties come back to Kitty Devore Rescue’s foster care program after being adopted is due to someone in the adoptive family discovering they have an allergic reaction to cats that they weren’t aware of previously. It's also the number one reason why we're contacted when someone is seeking to surrender their … [Read more...]
Multi-Cat Households and the Kitty Totem Pole
Cats are territorial creatures. In the wild, a cat will determine his home base - the place he eats and sleeps - and then project outward from this space to encompass a range around it that he’ll consider as belonging to him. All within that territory - especially all food sources - he considers his own. A cat will patrol his territory. He’ll find a high spot within it to … [Read more...]
Bertie – Adopted!
His original name while awaiting rescue from Devore Shelter back in July of 2013, was Burdock but his foster mom felt that name didn’t suit. Bertie was much better - and so Bertie, he became! Bertie had the most wonderful mom for the first 4 years of his life. She started out as his foster mom but it didn’t take long before she decided she couldn’t be parted from him and … [Read more...]
Gracee – Adopted!
Gracee was rescued in 2017 along with her sister, Neena. Gracee was estimated to be about 5 years old at the time. She’s a lovely brown marble tabby with hints of orange mixed in. Her coat looks like all the best colors of Autumn. This good natured girl is outgoing and playful. She’s great with people but definitely thrives when she’s got another kitty pal to play with. … [Read more...]
Lana – Adopted!
Her original name while awaiting rescue from Devore Shelter back in June of 2014, was Miss Priss but her foster mom, who tended to rename her foster kitties after silver screen movie stars, felt she had the vivacity of Lana Turner and so, Lana was to be her name. Granted, she was only 2 months old at the time so it would be awhile before she grew up into the knockout bombshell … [Read more...]
Lexa – Adopted!
What’s the difference between a calico and a tortoiseshell? It’s a question we are often asked. First, almost all calicos and torties are female. The coloring between the two are similar and people often get them confused. A tortie has a blend of orange, black and brown coloring in her coat and a calico has these three colors plus white. So let us present to you, Lexa - one of … [Read more...]
Neena – Senior Adult Female
Adoption Application Status: Neena currently has 0 prospective adoption applicants. It’s believed that orange tabby females are rare. The truth is it’s not that orange female cats are rare, it is simply that an orange cat is more likely to be a male. For a female cat to be orange, she must inherit two orange genes - one from her mother (orange, calico, or tortoiseshell) and … [Read more...]
Jabbers – Adopted!
My name is Jabberwocky but my foster family calls me Jabbers. When I first arrived after being rescued from Devore Shelter in December of 2016, I was quite a talker. I was young then; only a year old and, like most teenagers, I was quite the chatterbox. I’ve matured. Now, I speak when I have something important to say and, of course, when I’m talking to my best friend, Kuro. … [Read more...]
Kuro – Adopted!
My name is Kuro. My name means “black” in Japanese. As you can see, I’m a gorgeous panther girl with great big and soulful amber eyes. I was rescued by Kitty Devore Rescue back in March of 2017 when I was just a teeny, tiny baby. I was fortunate that I never had to experience the inside of a shelter. I’ve grown up in the safety and comfort provided by my amazing foster … [Read more...]
Dijon – Adopted!
Dijon was rescued from Devore Shelter by the Kitty Devore Rescue team back in June of 2016 when he was only 2 months old. The shelter had labeled him “Rescue Only”. This meant the shelter considered him to be fearful and, therefore, not adoptable to the general public. They felt he needed the help of a rescue group to help him overcome his extreme shyness around people. And … [Read more...]
Patti – Senior Adult Female – Adopted!
Patti was rescued in Summer of 2017. She was estimated to be approximately 8 years old at the time she was admitted into foster care. If only kitties could talk, we’re sure Patti would have many stories to tell about her life up to this point. Since we don’t speak “Cat”, we can only guess - but we’re certain this lovely lady has experienced some very interesting times! One … [Read more...]
Jeremiah – Adopted!
Jeremiah has an interesting rescue story. He was rescued from Devore Shelter by the Kitty Devore Rescue team back in October of 2013 and adopted not long thereafter. However, in 2017, we received a call from Hesperia Animal Shelter saying they had a kitty with a microchip that routed back to us in their care. We arranged to get him out immediately and back into our foster care … [Read more...]
Dotty – Adopted!
Hi! My name is Dotty or, as my momma calls me, Dots. I was rescued in 2017 off a busy street by a kind lady. When she found me, she quickly realized I babies somewhere. I was scared and didn't want to show her where they were but she was astute and found them despite my best efforts. She gently placed my kittens in a box. There were 6 of them and they were so very little and … [Read more...]
Butterscotch – Adopted!
In addition to rescuing kitties from Devore, sometimes our foster parents cross paths with homeless kitties in need. One such kitty was Fonzie's momma. The daughter of our member, Dawn, brought her home and it was evident that she was expecting! She gave birth in early May, 2017, not long after her arrival. Thankfully, Butterscotch has never experienced the inside of Devore … [Read more...]
Fonzie – Adopted!
In addition to rescuing kitties from Devore, sometimes our foster parents cross paths with homeless kitties in need. One such kitty was Fonzie's momma. The daughter of our member, Dawn, brought her home and it was evident that she was expecting! She gave birth in early May, 2017, not long after her arrival. Thankfully, Fonzie has never experienced the inside of Devore Shelter. … [Read more...]
Peggy – Adopted!
Hi! My name is Peggy! I was rescued in 2017 when I was only 4 weeks old. A kind lady found my momma outside and alone but could tell she had babies. It was true - my mom did have babies - 6 of us! The nice lady looked high and low, determined she’d find each one of us. Once found, she brought my entire family home with her. I still remember the first time I felt a snuggly and … [Read more...]
Hamilton II – Adopted!
Hi! My name is Hamilton! I was rescued in 2017 when I was only 4 weeks old. A kind lady found my momma outside and alone but could tell she had babies. It was true - my mom did have babies - 6 of us! The nice lady looked high and low, determined she’d find each one of us. Once found, she brought my entire family home with her. I still remember the first time I … [Read more...]
Bubbles – Adopted!
In addition to rescuing kitties from Devore, sometimes our foster parents cross paths with homeless kitties in need. One such kitty was Bubbles' momma. The daughter of our member, Dawn, brought her home and it was evident that she was expecting! She gave birth in early May, 2017, not long after her arrival. Thankfully, Bubbles has never experienced the inside of Devore Shelter. … [Read more...]
Fluffy – Adopted!
Fluffy was born in Kitty Devore Rescue foster care all the way back in March of 2012. His mother, Marge, was pregnant when we rescued her from the shelter and, once safe, gave birth to a litter of 6 kittens. The following year, Fluffy was adopted and his new family loved him very much. However, in July of 2016, his family fell on hard times and, rather than contacting us, they … [Read more...]