Puffy was rescued from Devore Shelter in November of 2014. He was 11 months old at the time. With his handsome good looks, it didn’t take long before Puffy was adopted. We thought his happily ever after would be for keeps. Unfortunately, that turned out not to be the case. In February 2018, a now 5 year Puffy returned to Kitty Devore Rescue foster care because his adopter … [Read more...]
Matisse – Adopted!
Matisse's sweet personality and luxuriously soft, painterly fur creates the ultimate feline masterpiece! This elegant lady may be considered a senior but has many more years of companionship and love to give. Originally pulled from the Devore Shelter in 2013, Matisse was rescued and made her way up to the Pacific Northwest in search of a forever home. She was adopted and doted … [Read more...]
Aubryn – Adopted!
Hi, I'm Aubryn! Let me tell you my story. I got put in kitty jail in August 2018, and I wasn't in very good shape. I was pregnant and had an open wound on my left front leg. Thankfully, the nice ladies of Kitty Devore Rescue saved my life and busted me out of there. My foster mom took me to the vet to take care of the abscess on my leg, which felt a lot better afterward. Sadly, … [Read more...]
Pouncival – Adopted!
Pouncival was adopted June 4, 2020!Are you looking for a unique and outgoing kitty? Pouncival is a dashing boy with the face of an oriental shorthair and the tail of a bobcat. He is long and slender with long hind legs. He is an avid climber and often hangs out at the top of the cat tree. He loves lengthy conversations about cat food and is quite demanding about getting … [Read more...]
Prince Harry – Adopted!
Prince Harry was named after his royal namesake because, as anyone can see, the resemblance between the two is uncanny! And like the British royal and as is generally true of most ginger kitties, he’s quite a confident, gregarious and energetic force of nature. We’re uncertain how or why, at just a mere year old, he wound up in Devore Shelter in November of 2018. What we did … [Read more...]
Breslin – Adopted!
Little Breslin was three months old and very sick when he was admitted to Devore Shelter in October of 2018. He needed a rescue to help him and, once safe, needed immediate medical attention to treat his kitty cold. We got this adorable little guy safely out of the shelter and he promptly received the medical attention he desperately needed. Recovery was slow but steady and, … [Read more...]
Thom-Thom – Adopted!
Thom Thom was adopted December 11, 2020!It was October of 2018 when then-2-year-old Thom-Thom found himself admitted to Devore Shelter. Bewildered, he had no idea how he’d wound up there and, even more concerning, how he was going to get himself out. After all, he was a handsome ginger kitty who had always been easy to get along with and never met another kitty or human he … [Read more...]
Kairi – Adopted!
In September 2018, Momma Elinor found herself a single, unwed, hungry, and very pregnant young lady at Devore Shelter. Two days after her babies were born, we rescued Elinor and her little newborn family. They have been safe, well-fed, loved and well-cared for in their foster home ever since. Kairi is one of Elinor’s little girls and, just like her momma, she an orange … [Read more...]
Sora – Adopted!
In September 2018, Momma Elinor found herself a single, unwed, hungry, and very pregnant young lady at Devore Shelter. Two days after her babies were born, we rescued Elinor and her little newborn family. They have been safe, well-fed, loved and well-cared for in their foster home ever since. Sora is Elinor’s only son and he’s grown into a spunky, vocal and … [Read more...]
Elinor – Adopted!
In September 2018, Momma Elinor found herself a single, unwed, hungry, and very pregnant 3 year old young lady at Devore Shelter. Two days after her babies Sora, Kairi, Merida and Riku were born, we rescued Elinor and her little newborn family. They have been safe, well-fed, loved and well-cared for in their foster home ever since. From the day she was rescued all … [Read more...]
Getzy – Adopted!
Hi, I’m Getzy and I’m a fluffy ball of sweetness! Not a mean bone in my cuddly little body. Humans are amazing and I love hanging with the ones I currently live with any time they decide to lounge on the couch. My favorite thing to do is stretch out along the back of the couch and then flop onto their shoulders while they watch TV. Another fun thing - my feather toy! It brings … [Read more...]
Jiggy – Adopted!
Hi, I’m Jiggy and I’m a love bug! Sincerely, I love everyone - my brothers, my momma and all the other foster kitties in my foster home. I especially love my foster mom and dad. I think humans are great and love meeting new ones that stop by to visit my foster parents. I may be a little guy but my heart is full of love for everyone I meet - two legged and four legged, … [Read more...]
Cogs – Adopted!
Hi, I’m Cogs! Don’t worry - I don’t let the fact I’m so handsome go to my head. My momma, Maura, and my brothers – Bryz, Getzy and Jiggy – were rescued from Devore Shelter in July of 2018. I don’t remember much about that because I was just a baby at the time. I was lucky to have grown up in my foster home where everything is safe, fun and where my whole family is … [Read more...]
Bryz – Adopted!
Hi, I’m Bryz and I’m the sweetest little tuxie you will ever meet! My momma, Maura, and my brothers - Cogs, Getzy and Jiggy - were rescued from Devore Shelter in July of 2018. I don’t remember much about that because I was just a baby at the time. I was lucky to have grown up in my foster home where everything is safe, fun and where my whole family is loved. My … [Read more...]
Maura – Adult Female – Adopted!
Hi I’m Maura! I was a young mom who was admitted to Devore Shelter with my four little boys before Kitty Devore Rescue stepped in to save our lives. We were all so sick at the time of our rescue. I worried my boys and I weren’t going to be well enough to experience all the joy and wonder life had in store for us now that we were safe. Although it took some time, we all … [Read more...]
Buffington – Adopted!
Buffington was adopted January 10, 2021! Buffington was rescued from Devore Shelter in October of 2018. He’d patiently waited for his turn to be adopted and when that didn’t happen, we rescued him to ensure he had a second chance at life. Estimated to be around 4 years old at the time of his rescue, he’s no longer a high energy kitten. He’s a big, husky guy with his … [Read more...]
Precious – Adopted!
You’re never too old to love or be loved! Take, for example, Precious. In June of 2016, she was abandoned by her family and left to an uncertain fate at Devore Shelter. She was 11 years old then. The likelihood of a senior girl like her being adopted during the height of kitten season would have taken a miracle as older kittens tend to be passed over this time of year for … [Read more...]
Ezri Dax – Adopted!
I’m happy to say I was rescued from Devore Shelter by Kitty Devore Rescue in November of 2018 when I was about 3 years old. Much like my name-sake from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, I’m sometimes unsure of myself, but I’m very friendly and outgoing once I feel safe and assured. My favorite things about being rescued and having a warm safe home, is all the soft blankets I like to … [Read more...]
Cassiar – Adopted!
Cassiar is a young kitty who is just looking for love! She spends most of her time rolling on her side and rubbing against you hoping you'll notice her solicitation for pets and attention. Happy and active, she gets along great with other like-minded, youthful cats and is very playful, with a wonderful sense of humor. Cassiar was quite sick when she was rescued from the … [Read more...]
Valentina – Adopted!
Hello, my name is Valentina. In October of 2018, when I was about 3 years old, I wound up at Devore Shelter. It definitely wasn’t somewhere I’d ever want to be again. Thankfully, I was rescued. Although I love my foster home and family, I’m ready to find my forever people. I am a beautiful black kitty with big yellow eyes. My most unique feature though is my adorable bobbed … [Read more...]