Question: Is Kitty Devore Rescue Network an actual rescue group?
Answer: Yes, we are. We are an incorporated company recognized by the state of California and have 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity status with the federal government. We have a Board of Directors, Administrators, and Officers that make the various decisions regarding KD’s operational procedure and policies and who oversee the management of the rescue and the work we do. We have a membership of 100+ members. All are dedicated to the mission of Kitty Devore Rescue Network. However, no one in KD receives a salary. We are all volunteers. KD does not turn a profit. In fact, we are a business in the business of losing money in order to save lives.
Question: How does one become a member of Kitty Devore Rescue Network?
Answer: All interested persons who apply to foster and who are approved are considered members upon approval and are required to be added to our closed KD group list on Facebook where most of KD daily business and rescue work is conducted. Those interested in rescue work in general, who can offer transport services, or would like to volunteer at one of our Petco or Petsmart adoption venue locations are encouraged to fill out a membership application.
Question: What does being a member of Kitty Devore Rescue Network entail?
Answer: We require all members to be polite, diplomatic, and respectful to other members while interacting on and off the network. We require all members to participate regularly in our work or to check-in to let us know what’s going on in their lives and their availability. We require all members to adhere to the policies and protocols set forth by KD. There are no membership dues.
Question: Do you only rescue from Devore Shelter?
Answer: Primarily, yes. We focus on this one shelter. We do so because it enables us to be aware of all the details of each cat admitted to the shelter so that we can report this information to those networking and those interested in fostering or adopting. Each shelter is different. Each has different rules and policies. By focusing on Devore exclusively, we know their system inside and out and this enables us to do our rescue work there more effectively and network the kitties admitted there with more efficiency. On occasion, we do hear about other cats in need, and, depending on the circumstances, we may rally to assist. We also help KD members with their independently rescued cats who may not necessarily be KD cats – again, depending on the circumstances and need.
Question: Are you affiliated with Devore Shelter?
Answer: No, we are not affiliated with the shelter in any way, shape, or form. No member of KD is an employee of Devore Shelter or has any direct relationship with a Devore Shelter employee. And, because Devore Shelter does not allow volunteers to work at the shelter, no one from KD volunteers there. However, because our work focuses exclusively on the cats of Devore Shelter, we have developed a relationship with the shelter staff and the administrators. They know who we are and they know many of our members by name. We find that trying to work with them toward the goal of getting more cats rescued and adopted is to our benefit in doing the work we do and, ultimately, to the benefit of the cats we are able to save.
Question: What are your adoption procedures?
Answer: Interested adopters are required to fill out an application. Once received, the application is reviewed and either approved or denied. We do require home checks. Interested adopters who refuse to open their homes to a KD home checker will automatically be denied. We encourage adopters to schedule a Meet and Greet with the foster guardian so they can meet the kitty they’re interested in. If everything checks out and everyone feels comfortable with the overall adoption, the adoption is approved and finalized.
In instances where an adopter expresses interest on a photo thread and wants to adopt a cat directly from the shelter with the assistance of the KD team, we still require an application and it is still subject to approval before the adoption can proceed. The reason for this is that when we pull from the shelter, we become the legal owners of the cat according to shelter records so, technically, the adopter is adopting through us and not the shelter. We take just as much care ensuring these adopters are as solid as the adopters who adopt through our foster program. However, because time is of the essence, a home check may be done at the time of delivery of the cat to the adopter. If the member delivering the cat picks up on a bad vibe or finds the adopter questionable, they have the right to halt the entire adoption and bring the kitty back into the KD fold. All fees will be returned to the adopter if they have already paid them and the adoption application will be considered null and void.
Question: Are Kitty Devore Rescue foster parents allowed to adopt through the rescue, i.e. foster fail?
Yes, Kitty Devore Rescue foster parents are allowed to foster fail!
The adoption fee for their very first foster fail with the rescue is the full adoption donation fee of $200.
After a year, a KD foster parent may foster fail again with a different kitty at a discounted rate of $100 ($105 if paying by PayPal to cover their fees) for the first foster fail in that given year. If they wish to foster fail with a second kitty that same year and after 30 days of the first foster fail, the foster fail fee reverts to the regular adoption fee of $200 ($205 if paying by PayPal). If they choose to adopt two cats at the same time in the second year of fostering with the rescue, the adoption fee is $300 ($100 for the discounted rate and $200 for the regular adoption fee – $305 if paying by PayPal).
Question: Do you allow Out-of-State Adoptions?
Answer: It depends on the state but, generally, no.
Kitty Devore Rescue has members in Southern California, specific areas of Northern California, Seattle, WA, and occasionally Kalispell, MT.
Beyond this, no – we are unable to facilitate Out-of-State adoptions.
Question: What does fostering entail?
Answer: To become a KD foster guardian, interested persons must fill out or Foster Application and Agreement. If approved, the new foster is welcomed onto the closed network group list and introduced to the existing team.
Any foster cat that is in their care must be isolated for a minimum of 10 days to ensure the safety of other animals in the household. During this time, there will be additional paperwork to submit to our Foster Coordinator. We also encourage any vetting needed to be done during this time. This includes vaccines if needed, spay/neuter if needed and testing for FeLV/FIV if a cat is over the age of 4 months old. If under the age of 4 months, we either ask that testing be put off until they are of age to generate an accurate test reading or, if there is already an adopter waiting for the kitten, to have it done with the understanding that the test results may not be 100% accurate.
The foster has the option of paying upfront for veterinary expenses and being reimbursed or going to a vet that accepts third-party payment where an administrator can call to make payment while the foster guardian and cat are there. The former is our preference but we understand it’s not always feasible. We reimburse usually within a week of receiving a reimbursement form and accompanying invoices for our records.
Once cleared for adoption, kitties in our foster care program are featured on our website as well as our Adoptables Facebook page, Petfinder, Adopt-A-Pet, and a few other online adoption forums. We create individual printable flyers for each of our adoptable foster kitties as well. We have two store venues where KD foster cats can attend weekend adoption events. Cats can also stay in-store at these locations.
Once an adopter is found, the foster does have a voice in the approval of the adopter. We feel they know their KD foster kitty best and can intuitively sense who would be a good match. Ultimately, the final approval of the adoption is that of one of the two KD administrators.
Question: Where can I make a donation?
Answer: You can PayPal a donation directly to KD and avoid the PayPal fees by using the email address: and choosing the option “I’m sending money to family or friends.”
We also accept donations by Zelle using the email address
Check donations can be mailed to:
Kitty Devore Rescue
5318 East 2nd Street #325
Long Beach, CA 90803
Question: Where can I see the KD adoptable kitties who have been rescued from the shelter and are currently available for adoption?
Answer: All of our adoptable kitties can be viewed here on our site or on Petfinder.
You can complete an application to adopt right here.
Question: Who can I contact if I’d like more information or if I have further questions that I’ve not found answers to here?
Answer: Please contact President and Co-Administrator Renée Mc Elwee through our Facebook page or by e-mail if you’d like more information or have further questions.